My Two Favorite Parties (Princess & Car)

by Tracy Ann
(Pell City, Al, US)

I absolutely LOVE doing parties for my kiddos. I always try to do something memorable for them. I am going to tell you about 2 of my favorite ones! The 1st one was done for my now 13 year old daughter, makena, when she was 6. It was fun for her to deliver her invitations to her friends. The second was for my now 9 year old son, Zion, when he was 5.

I printed party invitations on my home computer using an off white paper with burned edges and it read something like this (not exact, it has been to long to remember exact wording)...

Princess Makena has requested your presence at her
5th Birthday Ball
on (DATE)
at (TIME)
In the royal courtyard of
The King and Queen

Dress up like the pricncess you are..

They were rolled like scrolls and tied with a pretty pink ribbon. I used left over clear plastic plates, silver -realistic looking plastic silverware and lots of bright pink tulling!!!!! (We had just done a 10 wedding vow renewal so we had lots of "stuff" left over) We hung pink balloons(no hellium) and tulling from the trees over and around her table. Gave bubbles and plastic jewelry with candy in silky bags as favors. Her cake was bright pink cupcakes with sugar crystals on a 3 teired cake stand with fake jewels hanging from the bottom of each teir ($14 at Fred's). I made a strawberry sherbert punch in the punch bowl and served it in plastic champane glasses with pink ribbons tied around each stem.. Imagination done the rest when each little girl arrived dressed like her favorite princess!!

We had a cars themed party with Radiator Spring racing fuel, race cars and a race, busting a map pinyata, and celebrating with the winning of the piston cup! His favorite color was red so we used all red plates, silverware and napkins...No need for cups when you are a car.. you need racing fuel!

Myself and the kids made cars out of cardboard boxes..
HOW TO MAKE: Get 4 fairly large boxes (2 for each car)... make sure they are closed on the bottoms and open on the tops. Lay them on their sides and tape 2 of the flaps shut so that the two left open are on opposite sides. Do this to all 4 boxes. Then slide the top of 2 boxes together so that the "flaps" over lap kinda like DOORS on each side of the car. Staple them together (doors wont open). Now you should have something resembling a Flinstone One box being the front of the car, one box being the back of the car and the overlapped flaps creating an open spot in the center where the driver will stand. Now paint them!! We painted a "Z" in a lightening bolt for his name, Zion, on the hood and each side of one car. And flames with a 5 on the hood and sides of the second car for his age! Seatbelts were made of rope through holes going from the front of one side to the back of the other side like a seat belt. The race is on... Set up a cone and let the race begin! Watch out for rough little boys and the wrecks they will have!

Wrapped news paper around a punch balloon and then glue layers of brown paper and let dry over night.. Once it is dry you have a "world". we aren't interested in anywhere in the world EXCEPT for RADIATOR SPRINGS... Make a BIG red X and label "RADIATOR SPRINGS" and making a dotted line all around the map..

Juice boxes of your choice (no pouches). I printed sideways on mailing labels "RADIATOR with checkered flags.
Once they are printed SIDEWAYS and placed over juice box labels they are no longer juice but RACING FUEL!!!

Checker board sheet cake with a small round cake center top checkerboarded also. Topped with a plastic float cup from dollar tree(shape of a trophy) pained gold with spray paint from walmart. Inside the cup, place a balloon weight from dollar tree with the streamers that stand up (like it is exploding confettii!!)and a peice of styrfoam or extra icing to stand candles up in. Then at dollar tree they have/had some candles that are 2 stars and a number on long skewer type sticks... The kids thought it was the coolest cake ever!!

Oreos topped with white icing in the center and a m&m for the tires!! Eat up!

Pinata was filled with candy and anything to do with cars or racing..